Whether you’re interested in just finding names for temple work, or enriching the story of your ancestors’ lives, we can help with tracing Mormon ancestry!
Using Records to Trace Early Mormon Ancestry
If you have ancestors who became members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints early on in its history, there are a variety of records that can be used to learn more details about their lives and experiences. You’ll still want to check all the usual sources used for genealogy research (such as vital records, censuses, etc.), but then there are also some early LDS records that were created specifically by the Church that can help fill in gaps left by the usual record collections, and/or just add more life to the story of your Mormon ancestry.
The Church History Library in Salt Lake City has manuscripts and microfilms that contain things like histories of wards, branches, stakes, and missions; membership records, meeting minutes, journals, diaries, newspapers, emigration books, directories, and many more records. There are also several other archives, libraries and websites that include records about early LDS Church members. A list of these places can be found here.
Our Team of Professional Genealogists Can Help
If you have early Mormon ancestors and want to learn more about them, whether it’s just for the purpose of doing temple work or if you are interested in learning more about the details of their lives, we have professionals who specialize in early Mormon ancestry, and we have access to all the repositories where these types of records are kept.