We are the world’s highest rated genealogy research company. Why? We take great care of our clients and are experienced and passionate genealogists.


I was pleased with the thoroughness and professionalism of the research. I would - and do - recommend Legacy Tree Genealogists to anybody who is interested in hiring a professional genealogical research firm.


Working with Legacy Tree Genealogists has been a wonderful experience. Their work is so precise and detailed. The presentation and organization of the information they have provided has been outstanding.


I was very happy with the results. They were able to research in areas that I cannot get into and their knowledge about where to look is wonderful.


Legacy Tree was great to work with. They finished my report early, and I learned something about my ancestry that I didn't know before.


I learned a great deal that I did not know...very interesting reading. I really enjoy that I was able to send info to them or ask questions and the Legacy Tree people responded within a short time.


I want to thank you all for the marvelous work that has been done since 2006. The research genealogists at Legacy Tree find records that I can never find, and have access to avenues of research that I would never know about.


The personnel at Legacy Tree treat you with understanding and concern. My experience has been amazing.


Worth every penny! I would highly recommend their services to anyone who would like to give this as a gift, as I did.

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