Do you want the story of your ancestors to read like a smooth flowing book, including more details than just names, dates, and places? Our team of professional genealogists are experts at writing family history narratives!
Family History Narratives: Going Beyond Dates & Places
Sometimes as genealogists we get so caught up in collecting all the information about our ancestors that we forget about the other important side of family history – sharing it with others! If you have an online family database, especially one with sources and documents attached, you’re off to a great start! At least your family members can see the information that you’ve found. However, although online trees are bringing more and more genealogy-minded family members together, it can be hard to find and grasp the story in the tree – especially for the rest of the family members who tend to be less interested in history. An organized, cohesive, and well-written family narrative bridges that gap, bringing the stories of our past to future generations.
Writing Family History Narratives Others Will Want to Read
A written family narrative can be much more interesting to other family members than raw genealogical data, while still incorporating all the details you’ve painstakingly gathered over the years. It can be confusing to find the best way to share the information you’ve spent so much time gathering, and to know where to start. If you’ve ever caught yourself telling family history stories to a non-genealogist and suddenly realized they had been staring at a spot over your shoulder for the past five minutes, you’ll have already learned that it can be difficult to present it in such a way that others can absorb and appreciate.
The key to a good family narrative is finding the right balance between simplicity and detail. You don’t want to overwhelm your readers with too many names, dates, and places in a row, but you do want to include all applicable information and sources so that your narrative can be trusted as complete and accurate. You also want to plan the organization of your narrative in such a way that it is easy to follow. If your readers are thinking “wait – where does this person fit into our family?” they’ll lose interest more quickly.
Our Genealogists are Experts at Writing Family History Narratives
Writing a compelling family history narrative is one of our favorite projects to work on. We love searching out the details of your ancestors’ lives, and we also love bringing those details to life by telling the story in a narrative format. Whether you’re interested in family history narrative about one specific family or an entire family line, our team of professional genealogists would love to help write it.
Preserving Your Legacy
When your family history narrative is complete you can choose whether you want it presented in our deluxe binder (included in the price of your project), or turned into a beautiful professionally designed and custom made hardbound family history book (billed separately), which will instantly become a treasured family heirloom.