Have you reached a “brick wall” in your genealogy research? Onsite genealogy research in Colombia may just be the key to extending your Colombian ancestry. We have genealogists in Colombia who can help!
Challenges in Colombian Genealogy Research
Genealogy research in Colombia relies primarily on two kinds of records: government civil registration and Catholic parish records. While an increasing number of these records have been digitized, many are still only held onsite. In most cases, successful Colombian genealogy research will require a Legacy Tree researcher to visit an archive, church, or government office in person. This can be a time-consuming process. If your ancestors arrived in Colombia from Spain or some other country, it will usually be necessary to complete research in Colombia first to learn the name of their foreign hometown. For those of African heritage, DNA testing can also be extremely useful.
Our Team of Professional Genealogists Can Help
If you have Colombian ancestry, our professionals can help track down the town of origin of your ancestors, determine where that location is today, and identify where the records for that place are currently kept. We can also do the preliminary research in immigrant destination countries to learn the Colombian hometown, if necessary. For those areas that don’t have records available online or on microfilm, our onsite agents can visit that location to obtain any documents that are available.
Onsite Archive Access in Colombia
Our onsite genealogy researchers have access to the following archives, repositories and libraries in Colombia to help track down the records you need to extend your Colombian family history:
- Bogotá Archive (Archivo de Bogotá)
- Central Historical Archive (Archivo Central Histórico)
- General Archive of the Nation (Archivo General de la Nación)
- Historical Archive of the Universidad del Rosario (El Archivo Histórico de la Universidad del Rosario)
- “José María Arboleda Llorente” Historical Research Center (Centro de Investigaciones Históricas “José María Arboleda Llorente”)
- Biblioteca Fundadores (Biblioteca Fundadores – Universidad CES)
- Luis Ángel Arango Public Library (Biblioteca Luis Ángel Arango)
- National Library of Colombia (Biblioteca Nacional de Colombia)
- The Pilot Public Library for Latin America in Medellin (Biblioteca Pública Piloto de Medellín para América Latina)
- Universidad de los Andes Columbia Sistema de Bibliotecas